HOMEWORK this weekend (besides studying VERY HARD for your lecture test on Monday :p):
1) For the current tutorial worksheet on Cell Structure, please copy out (since you should have already done it) your essay question (there's only one essay question, on the last page) onto a piece of foolscap for me to mark. Hand it in to your Bio reps and Bio reps, please put it in my *new* pigeonhole (labelled with my name) by 5pm the coming Monday.
I believe this is crucial as alot of students do badly in essays as they not know how to phrase their answers. As such, all essays (in future) must be done on a piece of foolscap and handed in for me to mark.
2) After the lecture test on Monday, I will be collecting your tutorial worksheets on Biological Molecules (carbo, lipids, protein tutorial worksheet + SDL worksheet B on nucleic acids) during our tutorial class next week. So please remember to bring them to school.
This is because all of you are new to the rigours of JC life, so I want to check that you are keeping up well with the course (and understand what is expected of you). :)
1) For the current tutorial worksheet on Cell Structure, please copy out (since you should have already done it) your essay question (there's only one essay question, on the last page) onto a piece of foolscap for me to mark. Hand it in to your Bio reps and Bio reps, please put it in my *new* pigeonhole (labelled with my name) by 5pm the coming Monday.
I believe this is crucial as alot of students do badly in essays as they not know how to phrase their answers. As such, all essays (in future) must be done on a piece of foolscap and handed in for me to mark.
2) After the lecture test on Monday, I will be collecting your tutorial worksheets on Biological Molecules (carbo, lipids, protein tutorial worksheet + SDL worksheet B on nucleic acids) during our tutorial class next week. So please remember to bring them to school.
This is because all of you are new to the rigours of JC life, so I want to check that you are keeping up well with the course (and understand what is expected of you). :)

Good luck for your test!
Hi Miss Teong, I need your help, i don't understand the meaning of "anchorage of cilia and flagella" found on page 24 of cell structure and function lecture notes?
ReplyDeleteThe flagella and cilia are used for locomotion. They are made of microtubules (cylindrical tubes) arranged in a specific pattern.
ReplyDeleteCentrioles eventually forms the Basal Body (i.e. the base) of flagella and cilia, which serve as anchorage sites for proteins that in turn anchor these microtubules. This is what the lecture notes mean.
To help you understand better, you can view an image of a basal body here:
You can also view this youtube video about microtubules:
Hi Miss Teong! Is the process of transcription and translation tested or is that in another chapter? Thanks! (:
ReplyDeleteHi Trena,
DeleteYou just need to know what the basic ideas of transcription (DNA --> RNA) and translation (mRNA --> protein)are(from your secondary school Biology syllabus) for now.
Details of the processes (i.e. the steps) will be covered in the upcoming topics. :)
Hi Miss Teong! :) sorry to bother you but regarding the essay question, what is a radioactive - labeled amino acid? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHi Zahidah, no worries.
DeleteRadioactive labelling/tracing in Biology is a technique used to track the movement of a substance in a cell or tissue. You can view an animation of this technique here under Pulse-chase experiment:
Basically the idea is that some elements have radioactive forms that can be detected using special instruments that detect the radiation given off. Instruments used include electron microscopy or autoradiography (image produced on an x-ray film or nuclear emulsion). Basically you will see darker spots on areas where radioactivity is present.
Hence, radioactive forms of Sulfur or Hydrogen can be used to label amino acids. These radioactive amino acids are then taken up by the cell and subsequently incorporated into the newly made proteins (which may later be secreted out of the cell if it is a secretory protein). Hence radioactive labelling can track the fate of amino acids if you expose the cell to detection instruments at various timepoints.
Note that radioactive elements are usually used in small amounts so it will not disturb the normal biological system.
Hope this helps!